Latest News

Urgent Call for Action following the capture of Goma in Eastern DRC
30/01/2025 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union; Peace & Security
EurAc is increasingly concerned with the urgent humanitarian and security situation in the East on the DRC following the capture of Goma and calls on the EU and the international community to take urgent measures. Read our statement.

Communiqué in reaction to the announcement of new financial support for Rwanda under the European Peace Facility (EPF)
21/11/2024 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Peace & Security
On 18 November, the EU Council approved the renewal of €20 million in aid to Rwanda via the European Peace Facility (EPF). The EurAc network strongly condemns this decision, which risks exacerbating the already precarious humanitarian and security situation in Eastern the DRC and further...

Civil Society: a Key Partner in Achieving a Successful post-MONUSCO Transition
18/10/2024 - Policy Brief
DRC, United Nations; Peace & Security
In preparation for the upcoming negotiations on the new resolution on the withdrawal of MONUSCO, the Europe-Central Africa network (EurAc) has prepared a policy brief for the attention of the members of the UN Security Council, offering an in-depth analysis of the main challenges associated with...

Burundi: Joint Letter from Civil Society to the United Nations Human Rights Council
29/08/2024 - Open Letter
Burundi; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
As serious human rights violations continue to be committed in Burundi in a context of widespread impunity, and as the country prepares for legislative and presidential elections in a tense national and regional environment, the UN Human Rights Council should extend the mandate of the Special...

HRDN Letter to Members of the European Parliament - 2024-2029 Legislature
23/07/2024 - Open Letter
European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
As a member of the Human Rights and Democracy Network (HRDN) together with 68 other organisations, EurAc calls on the new European Parliament to double down on efforts to ensure thecentrality of human rights and international law in its work for the next 5 years.

Strategic Plan 2024-2029
22/07/2024 - Communiqué
European Union, Great Lakes; All thematics
In its new Strategic Plan 2024-2029 "Towards an increased engagement in and inclusive development of the Great Lakes Region", EurAc reiterates its commitment to peace & security, human rights protection, and sustainable management of natural resources in the Great Lakes Region in Central Africa...

Open letter - Seven EU-level organisations call on the new European Commission to prioritise development cooperation
04/07/2024 - Open Letter
; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
It is crucial that the EU respects the commitments it has undertaken while basing its external action on respect for human dignity, human rights, equality and solidarity. The Commission must strengthen its reputation vis-à-vis partner countries and put the well-being of people and the planet at the...

Statement - Congolese civil society under pressure: members of the EurAc network raise alarm over the erosion of civic space in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
24/06/2024 - Communiqué
; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
As members of the Europe-Central Africa (EurAc) network, we would like to stress the critical importance for each government to create – and strengthen - the conditions conducive to the defense of human rights, characterized by the free exercise of the right to freedom of expression. > Read the...

[FR] Policy note on the signing of a memorandum of understanding on strategic minerals between the European Union (EU) and Rwanda
31/05/2024 - Policy Brief
DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Natural Resources
The announcement by the European Union (EU) of the signing of a memorandum of understanding on strategic minerals with Rwanda on 19 February triggered a wave of indignation within Congolese and European civil society. At a time when the countries of the Great Lakes region are facing a series of...

Call on the European Union to appoint a Special Representative for Peace in the Great Lakes Region
07/03/2024 - Open Letter
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
While the European Union (EU) and its Member States state in their renewed strategy for the Great Lakes that "the security, stability and prosperity of the countries of the Great Lakes region remain a strategic priority for the EU", 17 European civil society organisations and platforms, including...

Statement by the EurAc network on the security situation in the east of the Democratic Republic of Congo
26/02/2024 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
As the Europe-Central Africa network (EurAc), we represent international solidarity organisations based in various European countries, working in direct partnership with Congolese civil society organisations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC). With this declaration, we wish to raise...

Declaration by the EurAc network for transparent, credible and peaceful elections in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC)
14/12/2023 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
By encouraging the Congolese authorities and the CENI to implement these last priorities before polling day, we hope that the European Union and its Member States, in coordination with all Congolese and international players, will strengthen the commitment and support for peaceful, transparent and...

Joint NGO Statement: EU Conflict Minerals Regulation Failing to Reach Its Goals
19/10/2023 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union; Natural Resources
More than six years after it was signed into law, the EU Regulation on the responsible supply of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (3TG) originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRAs) is failing to reach its key objectives: breaking the link between mineral exploitation and conflict...

Statement - ELECTIONS IN DR CONGO 2023: the EU must do everything possible to guarantee fundamental freedoms on the eve of the general elections
25/05/2023 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
The European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) and its members condemn the brutal methods used by the Congolese National Police (PNC) to disperse the demonstration held on 20 May 2023 in Kinshasa. The European Union (EU) and its Member States must do everything possible to guarantee respect for...

Call for tender: looking for an external evaluator
20/03/2023 - Vacancy
Central Africa, DRC, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
The PEUPLE project (Promoting the participation of Pygmy Indigenous Peoples in the sustainable management of land and natural resources in the DRC) is a three-year project, launched in 2021, jointly implemented by AEDH, DOCIP (Centre de documentation, de recherche et d'information des Peuples...

Joint statement - France's foreign policy in Africa: human rights and democracy missing in action
28/02/2023 - Communiqué
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
As part of his diplomatic visits to the African continent, President Emmanuel Macron will visit the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) on 5 March, after visiting Gabon, Angola and Congo-Brazzaville. 31 civil society organisations are encouraging France to place the defence of human rights and...

Renewed EU Great Lakes Strategy: A Missed Opportunity for Good Governance and Human Rights
20/02/2023 - Communiqué
Central Africa, European Union, Great Lakes; All thematics
EurAc welcomes the adoption of a new European Strategy for the Great Lakes, which sends a strong signal in favor of peace and sustainable development in the region. However, EurAc is deeply concerned about the narrow economic-oriented approach chosen by the European Union (EU) as a global response...

WORKSHOP REPORT : European Regulation on Responsible Mineral Sourcing
10/10/2022 - Policy Brief
Central Africa, DRC; Natural Resources
The 1st of January 2021 marked the entry into force of the European Regulation on Responsible Sourcing of tin, tungsten tantalum and gold (3TG) from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (EU CMR or Regulation). The objective of the Regulation is to oblige European companies to carry out due...

Call for tenders - Consultant with expertise in EU funding
20/07/2022 - Vacancy
European Union; All thematics
The European Network for Central Africa is looking for an experienced consultant with expertise in EU funding to 1) identify concrete opportunities among the portfolio of EU calls; 2) support the collaborative and participative construction and design of a relevant project proposal within the...

The EurAc annual report 2021 is available!
29/06/2022 - Annual Report
Central Africa, European Union, Great Lakes; All thematics
Despite the ups and downs due to the COVID situation, the year 2021 has been a busy one! EurAc and its members have continued to advocate for strong and coherent EU action in the Great Lakes region. In figues, 2021 has been... 4 policy reports, 4 policy briefs and 4 statements that were publicly...

New report | 2023 elections in the DRC: rectifying past mistakes to strengthen democracy
21/06/2022 - Report
DRC; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
This report takes stock of the pre-election situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). It examines the issues and challenges of the current electoral process and proposes courses of action for the European Union (EU) and its Member States to help pacify the electoral climate, reduce...

Kinshasa Conference, May 2022 | EurAc statement on the electoral process in DR Congo
21/06/2022 - Open Letter
DRC; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Read the declaration in PDF Three days of reflection and consultations on the pre-electoral situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo were held in Kinshasa from 18 to 20 May 2022. These meetings, convened by the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc), brought together 16 of its members, 16...

Press Release - CENI: the European Union must adopt a firm position on the respect of the electoral process in the DR Congo
27/10/2021 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
> Download the press release (PDF). The European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) and its members regret that the appointment of the new president of the CENI Denis Kadima took place in the absence of consensus. The European Union (EU) must do everything possible to avoid a major political...

Call for tenders - Consultancy: EU advocacy strategy & targets
14/09/2021 - Call for tender
European Union; All thematics
EurAc is currently in the process of finalising the design of its new global strategy for the period 2021 - 2024 and is looking for a consultant to strengthen the advocacy component of this strategy. What? The consultant will provide to EurAc a proposition on how to connect all levels in order to...

Online event – European Regulation on Responsible Mineral Sourcing: what are the lessons learned so far for the upcoming review and new legislative proposal?
26/08/2021 - Event
DRC, European Union, United Nations; Natural Resources
On 28th September 2021, EurAc and its partners will host an online conference bringing together local and European civil society representatives, European Union (EU)’s officials and companies. This event will provide recommendations to EU decision-makers with regards to the implementation of the...

Press Release - New report shows diverging implementation of the European Conflict Minerals Regulation across EU Member States
09/06/2021 - Press release
Central Africa, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
Today, a Coalition of European NGOs working on responsible mineral sourcing have published a review paper discussing the state of implementation of the European Conflict Minerals Regulation across European Union (EU) Member States. The report highlights the shortcomings of the Regulation and the...

Press Release - Victory for civil society in the DRC: Adoption of the law on the protection of indigenous Pygmy peoples and launch of the PEUPLE project
05/05/2021 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Natural Resources
> Download PDF The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) is on the verge of a major breakthrough in the protection of human rights. On 7 April 2021, a proposed law on the protection of Pygmy indigenous peoples (IPs) was adopted by the DRC's National Assembly. The passing of such a law is historic...

Online conference - Launch of the PEUPLE project
30/04/2021 - Event
DRC, European Union, United Nations; Natural Resources
On 12 May 2021, EurAc and its partners in the PEUPLE project will host an online conference to discuss the promotion of the participation of indigenous pygmy peoples in the sustainable management of land and natural resources in the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Context The recent adoption of...

Webinar - Promoting Clean Production, Trade and Export of Minerals from the DRC as a Driver for Local Peace and Stability
23/04/2021 - Event
DRC, European Union; Natural Resources
The Madini Project partner session to the 2021 OECD Forum on Responsible Mineral Supply Chains How can artisanal mining in Eastern Congo (EDRC), often identified as a driver of conflict and human rights violations, be harnessed as a tool for local stabilisation? During this session, the Madini...

Meet Clara Debeve, the new Director of the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc)
16/03/2021 - Communiqué
; All thematics
In February 2021, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) welcomed its new ship's captain: Clara Debeve, Executive Director. In this article, she gives details about her experience, her expertise, and her vision. Strategic orientation and creation of synergies EurAc advocates for a strong,...

Virtual Event - Monitoring and evaluation of the reform of the security sector in the DR Congo: what is the role of the EU?
14/10/2020 - Event
DRC, European Union; Peace & Security
On 28 October 2020, the African Security Sector Network (ASSN), Cordaid and the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) will host an online public conference to discuss the role of the European Union (EU) regarding monitoring and evaluation of the reform of the security sector in the Democratic...

Press Release - DRC Revised Mining Code, local governance, and COVID-19: Between aspirations and reality
29/09/2020 - Press release
DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, United Nations; Natural Resources
During a webinar organised by 5 European civil society organisations in parallel with the 45th session of the United Nations Human Rights Council (HRC45), representatives of organisations from the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) questioned the effectiveness of the implementation of the...

Virtual event - DRC - Revised Mining Code, new national governance, and COVID-19: impacts on the human rights of local communities
23/09/2020 - Event
United Nations; Natural Resources
#HRC45 Virtual event | 23.09.2020 – 1:00 PM – 2:30 PM The 45th session of the UN Human Rights Council (HRC45) will focus on the human rights situation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC). On this occasion, EurAc and its partners will host a webinar to raise awareness among States on the...

Press Release - COVID-19 in the Great Lakes region: leaving no one behind
27/05/2020 - Press release
Burundi, Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda; All thematics
As the European Union (EU) outlined the long-awaited new EU-Africa strategy in March 2020, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) wishes to draw the attention of the EU policy and decision-makers to the specific challenges linked to COVID-19 in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC),...

Call for tenders - EurAc's external evaluation
21/04/2020 - Call for tender
; All thematics
The European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) is looking for a consultant or a team of consultants to conduct an external evaluation, with as goals (1) to understand the impact of its work, (2) to guide future programming as well as (3) to provide input to improve external communication....

Press Release - Civil society calls for transparency on the companies subjected to the European Union’s Regulation on the supply of 3TG minerals
02/03/2020 - Press release
Burundi, DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Natural Resources
ENG - The EU Regulation on the responsible supply of tin, tungsten, tantalum and gold (3TG) from conflict-affected and high-risk areas (CAHRA) is a crucial first step towards supply chains free from human rights abuse. This Regulation was approved in 2017 and will enter into force in 2021. Before...

Press Release - Promoting gender equality in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and Rwanda: European rhetoric in view of the facts
04/12/2019 - Press release
DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
The Hague (NL) – Today, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) launches its latest policy report titled “Promoting gender equality: European rhetoric in view of the facts”, focusing on women’s political and civic participation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC) and in Rwanda....

Public conference - Promoting gender equality in the DRC and Rwanda: European rhetoric in view of the facts
04/12/2019 - Event
DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Challenges and lessons learned for transformative European support of women's political and civic participation in the Democratic Republic of the Congo and in Rwanda. Date: 4 December 2019 Time: 20:00 - 21:30 Venue: Humanity House, Prinsegracht 8, 2512GA The Hague RSVP:

Press release - La reprise de la coopération française avec le Burundi affaiblit la position de l’Union européenne et remet en question l’engagement français pour les droits humains
25/07/2019 - Press release
Burundi; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
FR - Although the European Union (EU) has stopped direct cooperation with the Burundian government since 2016 because of grave human rights violations perpetrated in the country, France has announced on 14 July 2019 that it would recover bilateral cooperation with the Burundian government. EurAc is...

Press release - Discrimination against women in the DRC: calling for strong recommendations from the CEDAW committee on the impact of mining on women’s rights and political and public participation
03/07/2019 - Press release
DRC; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
On 9 July 2019, the Democratic Republic of the Congo (DRC)’s 8th report on the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) is going to be under review by the CEDAW Committee. In that framework, the European Network for Central Africa (...

EU 2019-2024 legislature: calling on newly elected MEPs to promote democracy, human rights and the equitable use of natural resources in the DR Congo and in Rwanda
19/06/2019 - Press release
Burundi, Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda; All thematics
Within the post-electoral context of the European Union, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) publishes two memorandums on democracy, human rights and natural resources in Rwanda and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, aiming to provide newly elected MEPs with an overview of the main...

JOINT POLICY NOTE - Ensuring the proper implementation of the EU Regulation on the responsible sourcing of minerals from conflict-affected and high-risk areas
25/04/2019 - Policy Brief
Central Africa, DRC, European Union; Natural Resources
The extraction, transport, and trade of minerals have been linked to conflict, corruption, and human rights abuses for decades. The minerals trade has financed armed groups, bankrolled oppressive security forces, facilitated money laundering and corruption, and allowed companies to benefit from...

DR Congo new presidency and Universal Periodic Review: urging the EU and its member states to issue strong recommendations on the human rights situation in the country.
25/03/2019 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
EurAc and the CCPR-Centre regret that the implementation of DR Congo’s commitment during its last Universal Periodic Review (UPR) of 2014 is still not effective, especially regarding the opening of political and civic space. In view of the upcoming UPR, the European Union (EU) and its member...

DR Congo: the EU must support regional positions by urging Congolese authorities to respect the truth of the ballot
18/01/2019 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
As the High Representative Federica Mogherini and foreign ministers of the European Union (EU) Member States are due to discuss the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the next Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting on 21 January 2019, the European network for Central Africa (...

PUBLIC CONFERENCE - Peace & Human Rights in the Great Lakes region : what role for the international community, the European Union and France?
06/12/2018 - Event
Burundi, DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Peace & Human Rights in the Great Lakes region: what role for the international community, the European Union and France? - THURSDAY 06 DECEMBER 2018 - 18.00 - 20.00 Centre Malher - Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne This event is organised by Secours Catholique - Caritas France ( SCCF)...

DR Congo: The EU must maintain restrictive measures against 16 targeted Congolese individuals
05/12/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE The brutal repression of dissent continues in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), raising serious concerns 3 weeks before the 23rd December general elections. As Ambassadors of the European Union (EU) Member States are due to discuss the situation in the DRC Democratic Republic...

Hommage à Joseph Ntamahungiro, collaborateur au sein d’EurAc pendant plusieurs années (in French)
06/11/2018 - Communiqué
European Union, Great Lakes; All thematics
Nous sommes très affectés par le décès de Joseph Ntamahungiro, survenu le 31 octobre dernier en Belgique. Joseph Ntamahungiro a été collaborateur au sein du Réseau européen pour l’Afrique Centrale (EurAc) pendant plusieurs années. Il a été témoin de la naissance du réseau en 2003 et il a par la...

Rwanda: The EU and its Member States must ensure farmers’ substantial and independent participation in the design and implementation of agricultural policy
06/11/2018 - Press release
European Union, Rwanda; Natural Resources
Press Release In its latest policy brief “No intensification without participation: European donors must ensure the effective participation of Rwandan farmers in the elaboration of agricultural policy” released today, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) calls on the European Union (...

PUBLIC EVENT - The criminalisation of the citizen movement Lucha in the DR Congo - 25 September - European Parliament
25/09/2018 - Event
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
The criminalisation of the citizen movement Lucha in the DR Congo - TUESDAY 25 SEPTEMBER 2018 -15:30 - 17:00European Parliament, Brussels This event is hosted by Member of the European Parliament Maria Arena (Progressive Alliance of Socialists and Democrats), and is organized by Protection...

SIDE-EVENT TO THE 39th SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - Crisis in the DRC: A country-wide perspective - Side event at the 39th session of the Human Rights Council in Geneva
18/09/2018 - Event
DRC, United Nations; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
WHAT: SIDE-EVENT TO THE 39th SESSION OF THE HUMAN RIGHTS COUNCIL - Crisis in the DRC: A country-wide perspective WHEN: Tuesday 18 September 2018 - 14:00 to 15:00 WHERE: Room XXV - Palais des Nations, Geneva

OPEN LETTER - Creating a dedicated country-wide human rights monitoring and reporting mechanism on the Democratic Republic of Congo at the UN Human Rights Council
05/09/2018 - Open Letter
DRC, United Nations; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Re: Creating a dedicated country-wide human rights monitoring and reporting mechanism on the Democratic Republic of Congo at the UN Human Rights Council Geneva, 5 September 2018 Your excellency, We, the undersigned Congolese, regional, and international organizations, write to urge your...

DR Congo-Elections: the European Union and its member states must maintain a firm, united and attentive front.
10/08/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Press release The announcement, on August 8th, of Mr Shadary Ramazani’s appointment as presidential candidate for the Front Commun pour le Congo (FCC) is an important step towards the December 23rd presidential elections. However, this step, in and of its own, does not guarantee that inclusive,...

En hommage à Luc NKULULA - Les organisations membres de la campagne Tournons la page et du Réseau européen pour l’Afrique Centrale (EurAc) témoignent de leur soutien à la LUCHA (in French)
13/06/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Communiqué de presse Le mouvement citoyen congolais Lutte pour le Changement (LUCHA RD Congo) a annoncé la mort de Luc Nkulula, membre fondateur du mouvement, dans l’incendie de sa maison de Goma dans la nuit du samedi 9 au dimanche 10 juin. Juriste, activiste engagé dans la lutte pour la...

OPEN LETTER TO EU POLICY & DECISION-MAKERS – The EU and its member states must have a coherent and effective European approach about human rights, the rule of law and democracy in Rwanda
05/06/2018 - Press release
European Union, Rwanda; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Press release As the President of Rwanda Mr Paul Kagame is in Brussels this week to meet with EU and Belgian policy and decision-makers and to give a speech for the opening ceremony of the European Development Days organised by the European Commission today and tomorrow, the European network...

Agriculture and food security in Burundi: European donors must support agricultural production and resilience of the population
29/05/2018 - Press release
Burundi, European Union; Natural Resources
Press Release In its latest policy brief “Agriculture and Food Security in Burundi: European donors must help build the population’s long-term resilience and agricultural capacity” the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) brings attention to the important fall in food security in the...

PUBLIC EVENT - Burundi: Is the persisting human rights, security & humanitarian crisis fading from the European agenda? - 4 June 2018 - European Parliament
28/05/2018 - Event
Burundi, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PUBLIC EVENT Burundi: Is the persisting human rights, security & humanitarian crisis fading from the European agenda? - Monday 4 June 2018 -15:30 - 17:30European Parliament, Brussels This event is hosted by Member of the European Parliament Maria Arena (Progressive Alliance of Socialists...

DR Congo: The EU and its member states must stop their “wait and see” approach and act now in a preventive and united manner
28/05/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Press release As EU member states are due to discuss the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) today at the Foreign Affairs Council (FAC), the European network for Central Africa (EurAc) wishes to express to EU ministers its deep concern about a human rights, security and...

NEW REPORT – Burundi: Time for the EU to take bold action to stop authoritarian abuses and silencing of dissident voices in the referendum context
15/05/2018 - Press release
Burundi, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE In its new report “Authoritarian abuses and covert elimination of dissident voices in Burundi. What role for the European Union?” launched today on the occasion of a press conference organised in Brussels, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) firmly urges the European...

Land & Agriculture in Rwanda: EU support must focus on the needs of the most vulnerable rural actors
05/04/2018 - Press release
European Union, Rwanda; Natural Resources
Press Release 05 April 2018 As Rwanda just launched its new strategy for agricultural transformation called the Strategic Plan for the Transformation of Agriculture (PSTA 4) in 2018, the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc), in its latest policy brief released today, wants to critically...

Civil society note on implementation of the new EU Regulation on due diligence in mineral supply chains
27/03/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
PRESS RELEASE 27 March 2018 In its latest joint briefing "Advice Note to Companies, Member States, and the European Commission", the European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) along with 15 other civil society organisations, brings attention to the EU Regulation on due diligence in mineral supply...

PUBLIC CONFERENCE - 23 MARCH 2018 - Civil Society on the frontline. What role for the European Union in DR Congo’s spiralling crisis ?
08/03/2018 - Event
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PUBLIC CONFERENCE Civil Society on the frontline. What role for the European Union in DR Congo’s spiralling crisis? - 23 March 2018 - 9.30am - 11.30am European Parliament - Room JAN 4Q1 Please register for the event by Friday 16 March 2018 by filling in the online form available HERE ...

For its 15th anniversary, EurAc changes its logo!
01/03/2018 - Event
Burundi, Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda, United Nations; All thematics
At the beginning of 2003, three European organisations, the REC (Réseau Européen Congo), the CCAC (Concertation Chrétienne pour l’Afrique Centrale) and the GLAN (Great Lakes Advocacy Network), decided to merge into one organisation and few months later the European network for Central Africa (...

DR Congo: The EU cannot continue to turn a blind eye to the aggravating political and security situation, more sanctions needed
26/02/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE On Sunday 25 February 2018, for the third time in a mere two months, Congolese people have taken to the streets across the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Kinshasa, Kisangani, Goma, Mbadanka, Lubumbashi, Mbuji-Mayi, Bukavu, Kananga, Beni, Butembo or Kikwit, with an ever-increasing...

DR Congo: the EU must take bold and concrete measures and expand targeted sanctions after deadly protests
23/01/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE 23 January 2018 After protests organised across the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) turned deadly on 21 January 2018 as well as last 31 December, a third round of European Union (EU) targeted sanctions must be applied against new Congolese senior political and security individuals...

DR Congo: Time for the EU to exert sustained pressure on the Congolese President and his regime after deadly protests
03/01/2018 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE 3 January 2018 In order to prevent further escalation of violence and abuse in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the European network for Central Africa (EurAc) calls on the European Union (EU) and its member states for sustained and concrete pressure on the Congolese...

PUBLIC CONFERENCE & LAUNCH OF REPORT - 7 DECEMBER 2017 - Land, development & conflict in the Great Lakes region: towards a renewed EU engagement for equitable land management
07/12/2017 - Event
Burundi, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda; Natural Resources
PUBLIC CONFERENCE Land, development and conflict in the Great Lakes region: Towards a renewed EU engagement for equitable land management 7 DECEMBER 2017 9.30 am-12.30 pm European Parliament, Room PHS 5B001 Brussels This event will also launch a EurAc advocacy document, which, based on...

NEW REPORT - Land, development and conflict in the Great Lakes region: Towards a renewed EU engagement for equitable land management
07/12/2017 - Press release
Burundi, DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Natural Resources
PRESS RELEASE 7 December 2017 In its new report Land, development and conflict in the Great Lakes region: Towards a renewed EU and Switzerland engagement for equitable land management in Burundi, the Democratic Republic of Congo and Rwanda launched today on the occasion of the public conference...

DR Congo: EurAc and Protection International urge EU leaders to exert pressure on individuals and entities blocking the democratic process, and assisting others to organise credible elections
05/12/2017 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE 6 December 2017 As EU member states are due to discuss the situation in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) today at the Africa Working Party (COAFR), the European network for Central Africa (EurAc) and Protection International wish to express their deep concern with a...

AU-EU Summit: EurAc urges EU leaders to put human rights, good governance and peace for African people before European trade, migration management and security interests
29/11/2017 - Press release
Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; All thematics
PRESS RELEASE 29 November 2017 On the occasion of the 5th African Union (AU) - European Union (EU) Summit taking place in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire, on 29-30 November 2017, the European network for Central Africa (EurAc) urges EU Heads of States and Governments to adopt joint strong and concrete...

EurAc questions the recent decision of Belgium to grant a visa to Congolese Minister for Communications and Media, despite EU sanctions
20/10/2017 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE 20 October 2017 The European network for Central Africa (EurAc) questions the recent decision of Belgium to grant a visa for humanitarian purposes to Lambert Mende, Minister for Communications and Media and government spokesman of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), despite...

DR Congo: US, EU Should Expand Targeted Sanctions
10/10/2017 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Increase Pressure on Those Unlawfully Enriched by Kabila’s Rule (Brussels, October 10, 2017) – The United States and European Union should expand targeted sanctions on President Joseph Kabila’s family members and financial associates benefitting from unlawful activity in the Democratic Republic of...

[CONFERENCE] Preventing a deteriorating human rights crisis in the DR Congo: Monitoring of and accountability for violations and repression - 20 June 2017 - A side-event to the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council
20/06/2017 - Event
DRC, European Union, United Nations; All thematics
WHAT: A side-event to the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council, on the human rights situation in the DRC WHEN: 20 June 2017 - from 9.30am to 11.00am WHERE: Room XXIV, Palais des Nations, Geneva (Switzerland)

[CONFERENCE] Burundi: is the persisting human rights crisis fading from the international agenda? - 16 June 2017 - Side-event to the 35th session of the Human Rights Council
16/06/2017 - Event
Burundi, European Union, United Nations; All thematics
WHAT: Side-event in conjunction with the 35th session of the UN Human Rights Council for an update on the human rights situation in Burundi and how civil society has continued to document and monitor the crisis. WHEN: 16 June 2017 - 3.30pm to 5pm WHERE: Room XXVII, Palais des Nations - Geneva (...

[LIVESTREAM] Public Conference 'Democratic processes & political stalemate in the Great Lakes region. What role for the EU ?' - 7 June 2017 - European Parliament
07/06/2017 - Press release
Burundi, DRC, European Union, Rwanda; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights

NEW REPORT - Democratic processes and political stalemate in the Great Lakes region: For a stronger engagement of the European Union in Burundi, DR Congo and Rwanda
07/06/2017 - Press release
Burundi, Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE 7 June 2017 In its new report Democratic processes and political stalemate in the Great Lakes region: For a stronger engagement of the European Union in Burundi, DR Congo and Rwanda published today on the occasion of the public conference organised at the European Parliament on the...

DR Congo: UN Should Investigate Kasai Violence
01/06/2017 - Press release
DRC, European Union, United Nations; Peace & Security
271 Groups Urge Prompt Human Rights Council Action (Geneva, June 1, 2017) – The United Nations Human Rights Council should urgently establish a commission of inquiry into the situation in the central Kasai region of the Democratic Republic of Congo, a coalition of 262 Congolese and 9...

PUBLIC CONFERENCE & LAUNCH OF REPORT - 7 JUNE 2017 - Democratic processes & political stalemate in the Great Lakes region. What role for the European Union?
31/05/2017 - Media Advisory
Burundi, Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda; All thematics
PUBLIC CONFERENCE Democratic processes & political stalemate in the Great Lakes region: What role for the European Union? 7 JUNE 2017 4.00pm-7.00pm European Parliament, Room JAN 2Q2 Brussels This event will also launch a EurAc advocacy document, which, based on extensive field work...

DR Congo: Time for the EU to turn words into action and apply new targeted sanctions against Congolese officials
03/05/2017 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE As the European Foreign Affairs Ministers are due to discuss the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the next Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting on 15 May 2017, a second round of European Union (EU) targeted sanctions (travel ban and asset freeze) must be applied against...

NEW REPORT - Accompanying measures to the EU Regulation on responsible mineral sourcing: Towards an improved governance of the artisanal mining sector in the DR Congo
22/03/2017 - Press release
Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
PRESS RELEASE One week ago, on 16 March 2017, the European Parliament approved the European Regulation for the responsible sourcing of minerals originating from conflict-affected and high-risk areas. In its new report titled 'Accompanying measures to the EU Regulation on responsible mineral...

New legislation on conflict minerals, a missed opportunity for the European Union?
16/03/2017 - Press release
Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
Today, the European Parliament will vote on the law on the responsible sourcing of minerals, a regulation aimed at ensuring that revenues from minerals imported into the European Union do not finance infringements of human rights and armed conflicts around the world. Civil society organizations...

PUBLIC CONFERENCE & PHOTO-EXHIBITION 22 March 2017 - 'EU Regulation on responsible mineral sourcing: Towards an improved governance of the artisanal mining sector in the DRC ?'
07/03/2017 - Media Advisory
Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources

DR Congo: European ministers must decide on new targeted sanctions at next Foreign Affairs Council
28/02/2017 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
PRESS RELEASE 28 February 2017 As the European Foreign Affairs Ministers are due to discuss the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) at the next Foreign Affairs Council (FAC) meeting on 6 March 2017, the European Union (EU) must decide on a second round of targeted sanctions (travel ban and asset...

Processus électoral en RDC : la CENCO s'interroge
08/02/2017 - Press release
Central Africa, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
COMMUNIQUÉ DE PRESSE La Conférence épiscopale congolaise (CENCO) a pu faire l’état des lieux du suivi de l’Accord du 31 décembre avec ses partenaires. Certains défis demeurent. Mgr Marcel Utembi, Président de la CENCO, l’Abbé Donatien Nshole, premier secrétaire-général adjoint et porte-parole de...

[PRESS CONFERENCE] DR Congo: EurAc & Commission Justice et Paix welcome DRC Bishop Conference's President on 8 Feb 2017 - 10am to 12pm
07/02/2017 - Media Advisory
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
MEDIA ADVISORY This Wednesday 8 February, we are glad to welcome our partners of the CENCO (Conférence Épiscopale Nationale du Congo) of DR Congo, notably Monsignor Marcel Utembi, President of the CENCO, which is currently playing a very active and important role of mediator in the current...

Unrest, arrests and killings in DR Congo: Stop EU support for Congolese police
22/12/2016 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Brussels, 22 December 2016 - After days of political turmoil in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), the European Union (EU) must take stronger and more concrete action by stopping its financial support for the police sector, the European network for Central Africa (EurAc) and World...

EU/US: Sanction Senior DR Congo Officials
09/12/2016 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Urgent Action Needed to Deter Large-Scale Violence, Repression (Kinshasa, December 9, 2016) – The European Union and United States should expand targeted sanctions against those most responsible for recent violent repression and other serious human rights violations in the Democratic Republic of...

NEW REPORT - Political stalemate and worsening security crisis in the DR Congo: How should the European Union respond
07/12/2016 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
With this new position statement, the European network for Central Africa (EurAc) wishes to draw the attention of European political decision-makers, at all levels of power, to the gravity and the risks of the situation in the DRC. The next step is to provide them with action plans, on the one hand...

EU: Conflict Minerals agreement reached as exemptions added
22/11/2016 - Press release
DRC, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
The European Union (EU) has today taken a positive, but half-hearted, step towards cleaning up Europe’s trade in minerals. EU legislators concluded their negotiations on a new law on so-called ‘conflict minerals’—a Regulation which is meant to ensure that minerals entering the EU do not finance...

European Regulation on the responsible sourcing of minerals: The EU is (once again) about to weaken the upcoming Regulation
10/11/2016 - Press release
Central Africa, European Union, Great Lakes; Natural Resources
The European Network for Central Africa (EurAc) calls on representatives of European Union (EU) Member States and of the European Parliament participating in the trilogue to revisit their copy on the establishment of the ‘White List’ of smelters and refiners certified as ‘responsible’ and on the...

Electoral process in DRC: time for the European Union to decide on targeted sanctions at next Foreign Affairs Council
14/10/2016 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
The European network for Central Africa (EurAc) urges EU Foreign Affairs ministers to act to prevent further escalation of violence and abuse in the pre-electoral context in the DRC In order to prevent a dangerous increase of violence in DRC after the recent violence that took place in mid-...

DR Congo: Not words, only EU action and targeted sanctions can prevent further escalation of violence
22/09/2016 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
In order to prevent a dangerous increase of violence in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) after two days of political turmoil in Kinshasa, the European Union (EU) must take stronger and more concrete action by applying targeted sanctions - including visa bans and assets freezes - against...

EU political agreement on conflict minerals risks allowing a deadly trade to continue
15/06/2016 - Press release
Burundi, DRC, European Union, Great Lakes, Rwanda; Natural Resources
Despite its rhetoric on responsible business Europe has prioritised profit over people, said civil society organisations after European Union (EU) institutions agreed on a new law intended to tackle the European conflict minerals trade. The extraction and trade of minerals has been linked to...

Table ronde des médias burundais - Déclaration de Bruxelles et Recommendations à la communauté internationale
24/03/2016 - Press release
Burundi, European Union; Peace & Security
En avril et mai 2015, quelques jours seulement auront suffi à éradiquer presque complètement le pluralisme d’un paysage médiatique burundais reconnu pour son professionnalisme et cité en exemple en Afrique : cinq radios et une télévision indépendantes ont été détruites, près d’une centaine de...

DR Congo: Free ‘Filimbi’ Activists
15/06/2015 - Press release
DRC, European Union; Inclusive political participation & Human Rights
Over 200 Rights Groups Urge Respect for Free Expression, Assembly (Kinshasa, June 15, 2015) – Congolese authorities should immediately and unconditionally release two activists who were arrested three months ago, on March 15, 2015, during a prodemocracy youth workshop in the Democratic Republic of...