Commission Justice et Paix francophone de Belgique

Commission Justice et Paix francophone de Belgique
Justice and Peace is a Belgian non-profit organization engaged in studies as well as education activities and actions related to the questions of justice, conflict prevention, peace-building, human rights and human development.
The prevention and management of conflict and post-conflict situations is at the very heart of its work. Its analysis is based upon the social realities experienced every day by people in both the North and the South. It is founded upon a study of international conflicts and challenges, carried out in close collaboration with local actors.
Its advocacy actions are aimed at the political and economic decision-makers. They are drawn up in collaboration with an extensive and pluralistic network of civil society associations.
The mission of Justice and Peace is to make both citizens and decision-makers aware of crisis situations and to encourage them to become agents for peace at all levels. It gears its action towards the general public, teachers, associations, notably those which represent diasporas, and political and economic officials.