Broederlijk Delen

Broederlijk Delen
Broederlijk Delen is a Belgian organisation working for development cooperation and international solidarity. The organization is committed to work towards a dignified life for rural communities in Africa, in Latin-America and in Israel-Palestine.
Broederlijk Delen strives for a sustainable world without inequality. While there is enough for everyone, many people and communities live in poverty. Broederlijk Delen has a typical approach. They focus on projects which tackle inequality within local communities and they support local organisations' initiatives to realise these plans. The organisation does not launch projects themselves.
Broederlijk Delen collaborates with partner organisations that focus on rural communities, women and/or youth. Its partner organisations work together with these communities in their search for local solutions accessible to the relevant populations for a better and dignified life.
The organisation advocates for fair global policies towards the Belgian and European authorities and they strengthen their advocacy by campaigning and informing the Belgian public. In order to increase their influence on policy making, they collaborate with partner organisations in the South, but also with organisations and networks in Belgium and Europe, including CIDSE, FIAN, CIFCA, EurAc, etc . They are also a member of 11.11.11, the umbrella organisation of Dutch-language NGOs in Belgium.